2016 Fall Conference Proceedings
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FA16-01 Coloring Outside the Lines!™…Creating a New Geoprofessional Experience, Part 1
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This high-energy, participatory, humorous session has received outstanding reviews from diverse groups around the world. Jeff Tobe challenges you to look at your organization’s EXPERIENCE from a different perspective. Tobe is not just entertaining – he provides real ‘tools’ to creatively ENGAGE your internal and external stakeholder. With the push to competitive advantage in the marketplace, Jeff encourages people to stop competing on customer service! He believes in the power of creativity to look at business from a new perspective and accept that customer service is no longer the bar that distinguishes us from our competitors. We now have to consider our internal and external customers’ EXPERIENCES from the minute they make contact with us to the minute they are done! Jeff encourages you to start considering every one of your TOUCHPOINTS–those opportunities you or your people have to affect the customer/stakeholder experience. Allow people to ‘tweak’ their own touchpoints and, collectively, change the experience. Most important, his sessions are upbeat, interactive and FUN! (62 minutes)
FA16-02 Coloring Outside the Lines!™…Creating a New Geoprofessional Experience, Part 2
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This high-energy, participatory, humorous session has received outstanding reviews from diverse groups around the world. Jeff Tobe challenges you to look at your organization’s EXPERIENCE from a different perspective. Tobe is not just entertaining – he provides real ‘tools’ to creatively ENGAGE your internal and external stakeholder. With the push to competitive advantage in the marketplace, Jeff encourages people to stop competing on customer service! He believes in the power of creativity to look at business from a new perspective and accept that customer service is no longer the bar that distinguishes us from our competitors. We now have to consider our internal and external customers’ EXPERIENCES from the minute they make contact with us to the minute they are done! Jeff encourages you to start considering every one of your TOUCHPOINTS–those opportunities you or your people have to affect the customer/stakeholder experience. Allow people to ‘tweak’ their own touchpoints and, collectively, change the experience. Most important, his sessions are upbeat, interactive and FUN! (54 minutes)
FA16-03 A Closer Look at the Alaskan Way Viaduct Replacement Program
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The State Route 99 Alaskan Way Viaduct has been a fixture on Seattle’s waterfront and a vital north-south route through downtown for more than 60 years. The Washington State Department of Transportation is replacing the seismically-vulnerable structure with the nation’s largest-diameter bored tunnel (“Big Bertha”), combined with other projects that will reshape the SR 99 corridor. Join David Sowers, P.E. for an overview of this megaproject, including current construction at the tunnel portals and upcoming work. (38 minutes)
FA16-04 What You Can’t See May Hurt You: A Look at Geotechnical Risk and Reduction Techniques
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Of the engineering disciplines, the geotechnical specialty is the only one where the focus of the study is neither seen nor manufactured to a defined set of specifications. Consequently, the geotechnical practice encompasses a higher degree of risk than other engineering disciplines as a result of working in a largely unseen medium. How the project team approaches potential risk, how conditions and existing data are interpreted, and how the information is disseminated can have a significant impact on the challenges encountered during construction. Such challenges often result in significant cost and schedule implications. Michael J. “Mike” Marasa, P.E. identifies categories of geotechnical information and provides strategies to reduce risk by sharing his experiences through case studies. (47 minutes)
FA16-05 Buyer Beware: Lessons Learned from a Serial Acquirer
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Acquisitions can add significant value to an organization by broadening a firm’s geography, increasing the scope of services offered, bringing in new talent, effecting new clientele, and, when done right, can increase ownership value. At the same time, acquisitions are a high risk activity with numerous potential pitfalls. Deals can fall apart at the last minute. Integrations can struggle or fail. Acquired staff and clients can leave. With over 20 completed acquisitions under his belt, and countless others in his periphery, William C. “Bill” Siegel, P.E. shares his lessons learned through colorful stories and examples, and provides us with a checklist of items to consider – whether you are the buyer or the seller of a firm. (55 minutes)
FA16-06 What Great Firms Are Doing to Drive Loyalty
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Are your clients sometimes puzzling? If you could merely ready their minds to gain an understanding of their expectations, life would be so much easier! Smart firms already understand that their competitive edge is driven more by the experiences of their clients than over the range of services that they provide. The same firms are defining a “client experience strategy” that moves them from merely listening and fixing project delivery challenges, to directly impacting their revenue and profit growth plans. Terry Reynolds brings his expertise and A/E/C industry stories to help forward-thinking leaders take their commitment to client success to the next level, driving real business results. (42 minutes)
FA16-07 You on Your Best Day – Act I
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Michael T. Allosso’s YOU ON YOUR BEST DAY “performance” offers an entertaining perspective on dynamic and effective leadership. Participants will enhance and upgrade communication skills to maximize efficacy in diverse situations: from sales meetings to the executive office; from the boardroom to home and family life. Michael demonstrates, illustrates, lists and identifies the skills and talents associated with outstanding actors and coaches. Topping the list is believability and authenticity. Through a heightened sense of focus and concentration, Michael “brings it” every second and helps the audience to do the same. The approach is that there should be a seamless transition from excellence in business leadership to excellence in every daily interaction. Let Michael help YOU be your best EVERY DAY! (71 minutes)
FA16-08 Turning Your Employees into Human Firewalls: Elevating Your Cybersecurity
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The landscape of cybersecurity is ever-changing, with cyberattacks using e-mail and social media posing a significant risk to GBA Member Firms and their clients. Jason Stefanski shows you a simple and effective approach to train employees to avoid such “phishing” schemes, and explains why Member Firms should be focusing more on human behavior in their approach to confronting cyber threats. He shares how his firm has significantly decreased susceptibility to such social engineering attacks, and touches on the value derived from this approach, as clients are demanding ever-increasing levels of security from their consultants. (32 minutes)
FA16-09 Working on Controversial Projects or with Controversial Clients: Is It a Go or a No-Go Decision?
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Have you ever considered the potential impact of working on controversial projects, or with controversial clients? Through hypotheticals presented by legal counsel, a panel of senior and junior geoprofessionals addresses the many facets and challenges the geoprofessional may need to consider, or be confronted with, during the life cycle of a controversial project, or by working with a controversial client. The panel addresses the ethical and risk considerations for both the geoprofessional and the firm, and provides general guidance on how the geoprofessional could manage some of these challenges for project success. (59 minutes)
FA16-10 Quantifying and Managing Your Risk with the Risk Register
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Versatile and intuitively easy to use, the Risk Register is an essential tool to have in your firm’s risk management toolbox. It actively and effectively engages a wide variety of people and perspectives and can be used to manage risks – from project-scale to company-wide-operations-scale – but, its ease of use can be deceptive and a clear understanding of the mechanics behind its “pretty face” is essential to getting sensible and actionable results. With two decades of practical risk management expertise, Steven R. “Steve” Thompson, P.E. walks us through the process of building a Risk Register while sharing best practices, pointing out hidden pitfalls, as well as provide “extra value” practices you would be hard-pressed to find elsewhere. Finally, Steve highlights how to apply the outcome most effectively to understand, manage and reduce technical and business risk. (40 minutes)
FA16-11 Engineers without Borders-USA and GBA – Time to Collaborate – Nepal Earthquake and Beyond
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Volunteerism or pro bono services – call it whatever you want – maybe even an obligation. Geoprofessionals have much to give to the USA – and to the world! Embedded in over 200 universities and over 100 professional chapters around the USA, Engineers without Borders-USA (EWB-USA) isn’t the only avenue to contribute skills, but it’s a unique non-profit organization consisting of the largest collection of engineers and scientists with a keen understanding of international development. EWB-USA volunteers are providing technical skills, knowledge transfer, and community development in a way that, as a geoprofessional, will make you proud. Dave Cook, LG, CPG discusses how EWB-USA responded to recovery efforts after the 2015 Nepal earthquakes, and he educates you about the organization, how and where they work, and how you can contribute! (42 minutes)
FA16-12 GBA President’s Six-Month Report
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GBA President Laura R. Reinbold, P.E. delivers her six-month report at the 2016 GBA Fall Conference in Seattle, WA. (10 minutes)