
Lead GBA

The volunteers who lead GBA are tremendously important to the association. They provide guidance and direction to the association’s services and even play a huge part in developing new resources of value to all members.

GBA rewards those who lead GBA with recognition, gratitude, and the opportunity to bring attention and effort to those geoprofessional business issues about which volunteer leaders are passionate. That commitment may result in a new contribution to the industry that would never have been possible without the leadership of that volunteer.

This ability to make a difference applies to employees at all levels of a member firm. GBA focuses on the future and puts particular emphasis on encouraging and grooming young leaders, and providing the resources and support they need to succeed.

Volunteers often continue to lead GBA for years, taking on progressively more responsible positions in GBA, allowing them to practice and develop leadership skills that they take back to their companies and communities. For that reason, many GBA Member Firms actively support their employees’ participation and leadership in GBA through commitments of time and money. For their investment, employers don’t just get stronger leaders, either – they get employees who are more likely to stay because their employer supports their interests and professional and personal development.

GBA offers multiple ways to lead GBA, allowing volunteers to commit a level of effort appropriate for them.

Committee Participation:

GBA fosters valuable business and professional relationships by bringing together members with common and complementary interests, most often through participation in the committees  that do the heavy lifting within GBA.

Presenting at GBA Events:

Many of the speakers at GBA events are volunteers who are experts on a particular subject or who have done substantial work on an issue that they want to share with their GBA colleagues.

Promotion of GBA within Your Firm:

Membership in GBA is a substantial investment for a member firm, and the best way to benefit from that investment is to make sure your firm’s employees are using GBA’s resources.