Geoprofessional Value Proposition

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GBA has developed the following Geoprofessional Value Proposition as a tool for geoprofessionals to use in communicating with clients about how to make the most of the skills and knowledge that geoprofessionals bring to projects. Prospective clients who have never fully engaged with a geoprofessional previously will find it useful to learn what geoprofessionals can offer and how best to engage them.

Even clients who have worked with geoprofessionals in the past may not realize all that geoprofessionals can do for them. Therefore, we encourage everyone with an interest in geoprofessional services from either the client or the consultant side to review the Geoprofessional Value Proposition and learn how make the most of their professional relationships.

In addition to this online page, GBA also offers the Geoprofessional Value Proposition as a publication.

You can  order and download a PDF  of this publication.

Geoprofessional Value Proposition


Geoprofessionals add significant value to construction and environmental projects.


Geoprofessionals provide geotechnical, geologic, environmental, construction materials engineering and testing, and related professional services.


Those who deploy their geoprofessionals wisely derive the most value, principally in the form of:

  • lower overall cost as a result of better scopes that limit unforeseeable expenses and better designs that limit foreseeable expenses,
  • improved schedule compliance through avoidance of unanticipated delays,
  • more effective risk management that lowers the possibility of failure, and
  • sustainable solutions that minimize waste.

Wise Deployment

Clients demonstrate wise deployment when they:

  • engage geoprofessionals who are experienced and trusted,
  • give their geoprofessionals opportunities to contribute value, and
  • engage their geoprofessionals during the project’s planning stage and have them serve as project-team members through project delivery.

Best Practice

Underground risks are the most substantial project risks. Selecting geoprofessionals based on experience and qualifications then engaging them from project inception through completion will help manage project related risk related to the underground environment.