Join a Committee

GBA Committee: Business Practices

GBA supports business committees: committees that focus on business issues that impact specific disciplines of geoprofessional consulting; and committees that focus on business issues that impact all disciplines of geoprofessional consulting.

GBA is built on a foundation of collaboration and contribution that benefits all, and GBA committee service fosters valuable relationships and leadership skills. The volunteers who join GBA committees provide guidance and direction to the association’s services and even play a huge part in developing new resources of value to all members.


Join a GBA Committee

GBA rewards volunteers with recognition, gratitude, and the opportunity to bring attention and effort to those geoprofessional business issues about which they themselves are passionate. That commitment may result in a new contribution to the industry that would never have been possible without the leadership of that volunteer.

Sign up today to join one or more committees in your fields of interest. Check out our committee list for details about each, then come back here to sign up for the one(s) you want.

 Please note that GBA offers two categories of committee membership:

  • Active Member: Active members are expected to attend at least 50% of committee meetings (6 out of the 12 meetings), contribute to at least one of the committees 2023-24 initiatives and complete registration in MyCommittee , main communication tool for the committees, following the invite.
  • Corresponding: Corresponding members have access to committee meetings, minutes, and documents, but is not required to meet the guidelines for active members.

Please submit one form per committee, and indicate which category of membership (member or corresponding) you are interested in for each committee .

Application to Join a committee

    Your Name * :

    E-mail* :

    Phone (best number to reach you during the day)* :

    Committee You Are Interested In :

    Committee* :

    Other Committee (not listed above) :

    Category - Select one:* :

    Please provide a brief statement of why you are interested in joining this committee* :