Geoprofessional Legacy Videos
GBA has made this series of Geoprofessional Legacy Videos available to all at no charge as a service to the geoprofessional community. These Geoprofessional Legacy Videos incorporate presentations, interviews, and panel discussions with many prominent figures from geoprofessional history, some of whom are no longer with us. While GBA (then ASFE) is a common thread among all of them, the insights of these industry pioneers should be of interest to the entire geoprofessional community. Learn about the earliest years of modern geoprofessional practice. Hear about what inspired these early practitioners to enter the field, the challenges they encountered, and how they resolved them. These videos serve as both documentation of and tribute to the founders of the geoprofessions.
(Note: These videos were produced when the Geoprofessional Business Association (GBA) was known as ASFE.)
GROWING PAINS OF A NEW PROFESSION: SOIL MECHANICS 1925-1940: A 45-minute presentation from the GBA Annual Meeting of April 1988. The presentation is introduced by GBA’s President. Ralph B. Peck is one of the best known and most honored of all the nation’s geotechnical-engineering educators. Dr. Peck presents some of the milestones in the profession’s development along with “insider information” on the personalities of many of the historic figures, some of the rivalries and feuds, and even some of the tricks these scientific pioneers played on one another.
THE EVOLUTION OF GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING: A PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE: This is a high-quality, edited video of the presentation made by Elio D’Appolonia, Ph.D., P.E., during GBA’s national meeting in Monterey, California, on October 11, 2003. A 50-year veteran of the engineering profession, Dr. D’Appolonia discusses four key industry milestones and how they affected and contributed to the evolution of the profession.
THE ASFE COUNCIL OF FELLOWS: IN THE BEGINNING: GBA established its Council of Fellows to provide guidance for GBA’s direction, and to pursue whatever other activities its members deemed appropriate. Harl P. Aldrich, Sc.D., P.E. is one of the original members of the Council of Fellows, and one of the most highly regarded geotechnical leaders of all time. This DVD comprises a high-quality, edited video of Harl’s presentation at GBA’s national meeting in Monterey, California, on October 11, 2003. Watch and listen as Harl explains how great leaders make great organizations.
ASFE PEER REVIEW: THE GENESIS: The late Bramlette “Bram” McClelland, D.Eng., P.E., a pioneer of offshore geotechnics, was the founder of GBA’s Peer Review program, designed to improve the business practices of professionals in private practice. This DVD presents a high- quality, edited video of Bram’s insights, delivered at GBA’s national meeting in Monterey, California, on October 10, 2003. Watch and listen as Bram explains how effective client communication and employee development are key components of successful business practice.
ASFE AND TERRA INSURANCE COMPANY: THE EARLY YEARS: A war veteran, attorney, author, and accomplished insurance executive, the late Edward B. Howell, J.D. was an innovator of management theory and a maverick of the “insurance game.” He brought limitation of liability to design professionals’ contracts and pioneered the concepts of risk management and loss prevention in underwriting functions. This DVD comprises a high-quality, edited video of Ed’s presentation at GBA’s national meeting in Monterey, California, on October 10, 2003. Learn how it all began, just as Ed explained it.
In one-on-one interviews, and during panel discussions, GBA founders respond to questions posed by then-GBA Executive Vice President John Bachner. Together, they explore the roots of leadership, with GBA leaders responding to questions like:
- You are or were a leader. Why? What (and/or who) did you have that it took?
- As a professional in business, what were the most important lessons you learned?
- Who was your hero and why?
- What do you know now that you wish you knew when you were 25? 35? 45?
Each of the interviews and panel discussions occurred during GBA’s national meeting in October 2003, in Monterey, California. Each interview and panel is presented on its own.