Environmental Business Committee

Welcome to the Environmental Business Committee Portal, your one-stop shop for information to help you in your environmental practice!


Mission of the Environmental Business Committee

To respond to environmental issues as they arise and develop educational content to help members deal with these and other environmental issues in a manner that enhances their professionalism and demonstrates value.

Click for a list of Environmental Business Committee Members

  • Provide insight and concepts for environmental consulting/engineering business operations and technical practice areas
  • Provide external voice and influence to environmental geoprofessionals
  • Provide tools and resources for our members to help their clients
  • Use expertise of our members and their networks
  • Monitor emerging trends
  • Develop reference materials
  • Develop summaries of emerging issues, trends, traps (breaking news)
  • Environmental professionals (scientists and engineers) in, but not limited to the following practice areas: site investigation and remediation, environmental due diligence, regulatory compliance, hazardous materials management, natural resources management
  • Corporate managers and executives
  • Project managers
  • Networking with peers
  • Learning from other professionals and organizations
  • Helping us fulfill our purpose as the EBC
  • Opportunities for publishing and presenting in a professional environment

Current Committee Initiatives

  • Phase I State of the Practice Study for ASTM e1527-13: watch for the survey report later in 2023.
  • Expand membership in (1) natural and cultural resources and (2) environmental health and safety and regulatory compliance disciplines
  •  Review publications identified by the Resource Collaboration Committee for relevance

From this portal, you can access the full range of GBA resources related to environmental services.