Eric Saperston: Wake Up Excited, Go to Bed Fulfilled
Wake Up Excited, Go to Bed Fulfilled
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Eric Saperston is an unsinkable optimist who believes everyone can live an extraordinary life. He is an internationally recognized leader in professional development who empowers CEOs, executives, and audiences to Wake Up Excited and Go to Bed Fulfilled.
With a vision to change how businesses think, act, and operate, Eric works with leaders and organizations in nearly every industry to help transform company culture and create a better working world. Saperston has interviewed thousands of leaders, entertainment icons, and business tycoons to discover the common traits and differences which separate ordinary performance from legendary success. Saperston has earned a reputation as a standing ovation keynote speaker
Lessons Learned:
Leaders often learned from others who have more experience and referenced a quote “To know the road ahead, ask those coming back.” Engage with elders
Leaders clearly understand their core purpose. To identify your core purpose, ask yourself these three questions.
• What is the problem? – Define what I really care about, what is at the core of my soul.
• What is the need? Identify what needs to be changed or what is the best outcome for the problem.
• What is the solution? How am I part of the solution? How can I apply my skills to the solution?
Leaders can elevate their influence by asking one question. How can I help? Provide value wherever you are and whomever you are with by serving. This will increase your value and your influence as a leader.