Charles L. Head, P.E., P.G. (Sanborn, Head & Associates, Inc.) is the new president of the Geoprofessional Business Association (GBA), a not-for-profit association of geoprofessional firms. Accepting office during ceremonies at GBA’s annual meeting in Washington D.C. Mr. Head is the 47th individual to serve as GBA’s president and chair the group’s board of directors. Other directors who will serve during GBA’s 2017-18 fiscal year are:
• President-Elect Woodward L. Vogt, P.E., D.GE, F.ACI, F.ASCE, F.ASTM
(Paradigm Consultants, Inc.);
• Secretary/Treasurer Kimberly F. Morrison, P.E., R.G.
(Morrison Geotechnical Solutions, Inc.);
• Saiid Behboodi, PE, GE (PBS Engineering and Environmental Inc.)
• Thomas W. “Tom” Blackburn, P.E., G.E., F.ASCE (Blackburn Consulting);
• Arthur G. “Art” Hoffmann, P.E., D.GE (Gannett Fleming, Inc.);
• Kenneth R. “Ken” Johnston (GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.); and
• Leo J. Titus, Jr. P.E. (ECS Limited)
Mr. Head is the CEO of Sanborn, Head & Associates, Inc., a multidisciplinary, New Hampshire-based firm serving industry, development, solid-waste, and energy clients nationally and internationally. Licensed as both a professional engineer and a professional geologist, Mr. Head has 30 years of professional experience with a focus on groundwater engineering. He has been active in GBA for more than a decade, most recently as chair of GBA’s Emerging Issues and Trends Committee. He holds Bachelor of Science degrees in geology (St. Lawrence University) and civil engineering (University of New Hampshire) and a Master of Science degree in civil engineering from Colorado State University.
During his acceptance speech at GBA’s 2017 Spring Conference, Mr. Head emphasized the future is bright for GBA.