First Look: Fall Conference Speakers Announced —Register Now!
The Fall Conference agenda has been finalized and this will be an incredible gathering. The theme for the conference is “Committing to Continuous Improvement” which supports our members’ daily effort to build stronger, smarter, more successful businesses. Conference speakers will help you to build a high-performance culture, communicate your brand clearly to employees and clients, stay current with new technology, and in GBA’s unique way, learn from the mistakes of others as we explore several case histories from our members.
Join us in Music City, Nashville, Tennessee — November 1-3, 2018
Keynotes include:
Principles for Building a High-Performance Culture
Brent Gleeson — Former Navy SEAL combat veteran, Brent Gleeson, turned his discipline and battlefield lessons to the world of business and has become an accomplished entrepreneur, bestselling author and acclaimed speaker on topics ranging from leadership and building high-performance teams to culture and organizational transformation.
Building Your Story Brand
Donald Miller — When it comes to discussing their businesses, many people are so close to their services that they do not know where to start. Donald Miller, the CEO of StoryBrand and a New York Times Bestselling author of three books — knows how hard it is to communicate clearly and has helped hundreds of large and small businesses clarify their messaging.
Uncomfortable Truths: Somebody Needs to Tell Folks What They Don’t Want to Hear, and It Might as Well Be Me…
Edward Wilson, P.E., F. GBA – Changes that member firms should adopt to cause their enterprises to be more profitable, more valuable, and more successful in the rapidly changing professional services market.
Bringing the Geoprofession to Life Barry Thacker, P.E. — Learn a fun and rewarding way to communicate with a multi-generational and diverse audience.
Pre-Conference Workshops: Start your visit to Nashville by attending one of three pre-conference workshops to be held prior to the conference from 8:00 AM to Noon on November 1st.
PROJECT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: Managing Self & Others by Lee James, CPA., CMC., F.GBA
JUMP START YOUR GROWTH by Bill Siegel, P.E., and Kevin McMahon
Workshop Details
Conference will also include:
- Committee/Council Meetings
- Book Signings by Best Selling Authors
- GBA’s Unique Business Roundtables
- GBA’s Signature Receptions
- Tennessee Bourbon Distillery Tour and Tasting
This is a conference you won’t want to miss. Register now to attend on November 1-3, 2018 in Nashville.