GBA’s Strategic Planning Starts Now!

GBA Board of Directors

The GBA Board of Directors has initiated the strategic planning process as we look forward to 2027 and beyond. Every three years, the Directors seek input from members to review important industry trends in risk management and business optimization, evaluate member value, and identify objectives that are critical to the health and success of geoprofessional consulting firms. Their efforts culminate in the formation of a strategic plan that guides initiatives, programs, and resources to benefit our members.

GBA has engaged with long-time partner, Marketing General, Incorporated (MGI), a leader in association membership strategy and marketing. The first step in the strategic planning process is to gather information from members through a remote Bulletin Board Focus Group (BBFG) to gather detailed responses from a small group of participants. As this type of research is qualitative, the questions are asked in an open-ended format to extract in-depth information. Similar to a traditional focus group, the moderator will probe the participant’s responses with follow-up questions to obtain data at a more granular level.

In the next two weeks, GBA will be seeking BBFG participants to provide input that will be considered during the formation of the 2027 Strategic Plan during the Summer Board Meeting in April 2024. If you are interested in sharing your thoughts as a focus group participant, please contact Joel Carson, GBA’s Executive Director.

View GBA’s current strategic plan: 2024 Strategic Plan