National Practice Guideline Geotechnical Engineer of Record Updated
National Practice Guideline
Geotechnical Engineer of Record Updated
The Geotechnical Business Council of GBA has updated the guide to help identify the roles and responsibilities of the geotechnical engineer of record, client, and owner involved with the geotechnical-engineering aspects of a conventional design/bid/build construction project.
The guideline addresses the range and nature of services that should be included in the geotechnical engineer’s scope of service if the geotechnical engineer is to sign and seal instruments of professional service, and accept the geotechnical engineer of record designation.
The updated guideline delineates responsibilities of the geotechnical engineer of record, the range and nature of basic services that should be included in the geotechnical engineer of record’s scope of service, and additional services that may apply. Obligations of the client and the owner are outlined and various terms are defined.
This important document was first published in March 1993 by then Practice Environment Committee and revised by the Professional Practice Committee in 2008. This update was a collaborative effort of GBA’s Geotechnical Business Council Chair, Rick Heckel, P.E. and Council members Woody Vogt, D.GE, F. ASCE, F. ACI, F. ASTM, Michael Marasa, P.E., and Blake Cotton. P.E., LEED AP.