New! GBA Case History 111

GBA Council of Fellows and Resource Collaboration Committee

GBA is happy to announce the publication of Case History 111 – which
chronicles the member firm, working as an expert consultant found evidence
of incomplete geotechnical and environmental characterization of the subsurface
conditions at a site adjacent to a river. Also disturbing were the stated
findings of a third-party independent consultant.

Case History 111 includes valuable lessons learned including:
• Understand and consider the geologic setting before beginning a project.
• Don’t skimp on lab tests.
• Local regulations may require specific environmental laboratory testing
for a variety of reasons.
• Train staff not to do work that is beyond their experience or expertise.
• Understand the Standard of Care.

GBA case histories give all GBA-Member Firms an opportunity to conduct lunch-and-learn sessions, where participants – especially less experienced personnel – read the cases, then discuss what went wrong, what could have been done to mediate the problems, how issues that arose may be like issues in ongoing projects, and how to avoid similar issues in the future.
GBA-Member Firms use case histories to learn from others’ misfortunes, so you don’t have to learn through misfortunes of your own!

Case Histories are FREE for all GBA Members

Download Case History 111, Incomplete Characterization of Site Conditions Costs Everyone!: HERE