NEW: Go/No-Go Checklist

Managing Project Risk Starts with an Honest Go/No-Go Evaluation

GBA Business Practice Committee

There are very good reasons why we would choose not to spend time and effort pursuing a client or a project. Some projects have technical risks that make them more likely to end up in a lawsuit. For some projects, the selection will be made on price, and we may be unable to make a reasonable profit with the fee required to get the work. Some projects may cause issues with existing clients or may have social implications that your staff may not support.

Recognizing these issues early on allows us to make an informed decision on whether we choose to pursue the project or not.

GBA’s Business Practices Committee has prepared a comprehensive, simple to use, Go/No-Go checklist for your use. The goal of the go/no go check list is to evaluate opportunities to see if they are the ones which will be beneficial for the firm currently and in the future. The completion of the check list is not meant to be arduous nor is it meant for every opportunity that comes to the firm as it gets you to think about risks you would not normally think about or glance over. It may be a tool you use to evaluate opportunities in new sectors, new clients, or a new line of service for your firm.