NEW RESOURCE! Best Practices: Interviewing – The Right Way!

GBA Business Practices Committee

To maximize your hiring manager’s efforts and protect your firm from legal trouble resulting from bad hiring practices, GBA’s Business Practices Committee has developed a new Best Practices document titled, “Interviewing – The Right Way!”

One of the foremost issues of concern facing geoprofessional firms is a lack of new talent entering the industry. This workforce shortage can create a scenario where good hiring practices have been kicked to the curb. Interviewing involves a significant number of legal do’s and don’ts. Employers must understand the rule of law related to interview and application questions to ensure they’re performed in accordance with state and federal regulations.

Hiring the right talent is important for long-term stability and growth for your firm and the geoprofessions as a whole. Many hours will go into writing job descriptions, sorting through applications, and interviewing candidates – yet interviewing is one of the least-trained roles in the engineering industry.

When you don’t interview in the best way for your firm’s open position, you may miss out on the innovative hire that impacts your business growth for years to come.

Studying and sharing this Best Practices document and enacting the suggestions contained herein ensures greater interview success, leading to hiring more valuable employees and minimizing risk for your firm.

This new resource is FREE for GBA members.

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