We Are Halfway There! GBA Releases Five More Case Histories: 46-50

Learn from others. Don’t repeat the mistakes of the past! GBA  Case Histories are being used by our

 members for loss prevention discussions in support of professional development and mentoring. That is why GBA case histories are so valuable, and why GBA is updating them all, while adding new ones, too. We are halfway there as five more case histories have been re-issued.

CASE HISTORY NO. 46 (download)
Conducting an error-free ESA is not enough. Eighteen months after the client purchased the site, its representative called the Member Firm’s project manager to report that state regulators were claiming they had discovered exposed, friable asbestos at the site. The exposure constituted an unlawful release of hazardous material, the regulators said, and posed a threat to public health.

CASE HISTORY NO. 47 (download)                                       
Four months after the Member Firm completed the geotechnical study, ownership of the property was transferred to a partnership formed to develop the site. The CEO of the development company’s friendship with the CEO of the Member Firm apparently was of little consequence, however, given that, eight months later, the member firm received a note threatening a lawsuit for not clearly stating in its report that the site could have significant contamination problems.

CASE HISTORY NO. 48 (download)
The client signed a GBA-Member Firm’s proposal without the standard terms and conditions pages. Then the PM thought he was doing a good deed by providing preliminary rock-excavation estimates during a project meeting. Ultimately the Member Firm’s CEO decided to settle a lawsuit that never should have happened.

CASE HISTORY NO. 49 (download)
When slag contaminated with flue dust was used instead of the recommended clean, well-graded gravel, the project was halted, and the EPA engaged. The member firm proactively took charge and solved the problem without legal battles.

CASE HISTORY NO. 50 (download)
After field work was complete and the GBA-Member Firm had demobilized from sampling at a Superfund site, it was discovered the laboratory exceeded certain sample holding-times and some of the testing it performed fell short of the prescribed quality-assurance minimums.

GBA Case Histories are FREE to all Members. Access all GBA’s Case Histories HERE