2017 Spring Conference Videos Now Available


Those that attended GBA’s 2017 Spring Conference in Washington D.C. agreed that the speakers were among the best . Now you can watch, listen to, and learn from these speakers, too, on your own schedule, and without leaving your office or easy chair.

The presentations that are available are:

4-3-2-1 Leadership: Tools You Can Use Now!
Major General Vincent E. “Vinny” Boles, USA, Retired

DC Clean Rivers Project – An Extraordinary Multi-Faceted CSO Project
Carlton M. Ray, P.E. (DC Water)

Business Practices Committee Business Snapshot Survey
Matt Moler, P.E. (S&ME, Inc.)

Employee Retention: How to Keep Your Rising Stars
Victor S. Barchers, P.E. (Kleinfelder, Inc.) & Edward J. “E.J.” Barben, P.E. (Gannett Fleming, Inc.)

Affordable Care Act’s Impact: Past, Present, & Future
David Lewis (OperationsInc)

Why I Hired an Executive Coach and Why You Should Too
Gary W. Raba, D.Eng., P.E. (Raba Kistner) and Linda Strom Petchenik, (GrowthLines, Inc.)

Passing the Baton: CEO Succession from Both Points of View
Kurt R. Fraese, L.G. (GeoEngineers, Inc.), David Gaboury, P.E. (Terracon), Michael “Mike” Hutchinson, L.G., LHG (GeoEngineers, Inc.), and Swaminathan “Vasan” Srinivasan, P.E. (Terracon)

The Power of 1% – The Magic of Small and Incremental Improvements
Kevin J. McMahon (McMahon | Siegel Group)

Leading Organizational Change to Increase Profitability
June R. Jewell, CPA, (AEC Business Solutions) and Michael S. Rolband, P.E., P.S.W., P.W.D., Leed®AP (Wetland Studies and Solutions, Inc.)

Minimizing the Impact of Organizational Silos; Tear Down the Silos!
Nigel Miller, P.E. (Stantec Consulting)

You on Your Best Day – Act II
Michael T. Allosso

All videos from GBA’s Spring 2017 Conference are available, on-demand to members.